How To Install Sun Explorer In Solaris 11 Commands

The Image Packaging System (IPS) is a framework that enables software lifecycle management, such as installation, upgrade and removal of packages. IPS also enables users to create their own software packages, create and manage package repositories, and copy and mirror existing package repositories. Packages can be installed only into file systems that are part of a boot environment (BE). For example, on a default Oracle Solaris 11 installation, only datasets under rpool/ROOT/BEname/ are supported for package operations.

  1. How To Install Sun Explorer In Solaris 11 Commands Windows 10
  2. How To Install Sun Explorer In Solaris 11 Commands Command
  3. How To Install Sun Explorer In Solaris 11 Commands Pdf

The pkg command is the primary user interface in the Image Packaging System. The table below shows the pkg commands that are used to perform common package management tasks. It compares these commands with equivalent commands used in Oracle Solaris 10.

Package Management Task IPS Command Oracle Solaris 10 Equivalent
Install package. pkg install pkgadd -a
Display package state and version information. pkg list pkginfo
Verify package installation. pkg verify pkgchk -v
Display package information. pkg info pkginfo -v
Display the contents of a package. pkg contents pkgchk -l
Search for a package. pkg search pkgchk -l -p
Uninstall a package. pkg uninstallpkgrm
Install package updates. pkg update pkgadd

Or, if the MANPATH environment variable is set, the command would be: man -s 1m explorer Solaris 11. For Solaris 11 and later, man pages are already on the default man path. The man pages are located in the /usr/lib/explorer/man directory for Solaris 11 and later. To access the Explorer man pages using the default man path, run: man explorer. Solaris Live Upgrade avoids having to reboot or take the system down to single-user mode. Solaris Live Upgrade reduces the amount of downtime involved in patching and reduces risk by providing fallback capability if necessary. With Solaris Live Upgrade, you create an identical copy of. Install a group package to provide a desktop environment # pkg install solaris-desktop Install package as if you were installing it on a freshly installed system Warning! All packages that are not a dependency of this package will be removed while installing it. This is what the command is meant for.

pkg Command Examples: search

Amtlib.dll adobe cc 2018 crack. Shown below are examples of searching for a package (apptrace).

pkg Command Examples: info


Shown below is an example of displaying package information. The –r option retrieves the information data from the repositories of the image’s configured publishers.

pkg Command Examples: install

How to install sun explorer in solaris 11 commands download

Shown below are examples of performing a package (apptrace) installation dry run (-n) and a real package installation.

Note: Starting from Oracle Solaris 11.2, you can use the -r option with the pkg install command to run package operations recursively across multiple nonglobal zones along with the named nonglobal zones, from the global zone.
How To Install Sun Explorer In Solaris 11 Commands

How To Install Sun Explorer In Solaris 11 Commands Windows 10

pkg Command Examples: list, verify, and contents

How To Install Sun Explorer In Solaris 11 Commands Command

This section shows examples of listing an installed package (apptrace), verifying package status, and displaying the contents of a package. The pkg contents command with no option just lists the directory, file, and link content. You can use the pkg contents command to find dependencies between packages. Softi scanwiz v2.

pkg Command Examples: uninstall

How To Install Sun Explorer In Solaris 11 Commands Pdf

Below is an example of uninstalling a package (apptrace) with pkg command.