Wmi Equivalent For Mac

Using Powershell and WMI to get the MAC address of Remote workstation It has cropped up from time to time that we need to retrieve information, in this example, the MAC address from remotely located workstations. WMI classes or methods.disable a network connection using WMI? If you are using DHCP, use the Win32NetworkAdapterConfiguration and the ReleaseDHCPLease method to release the IP address. If you are not using DHCP, you cannot use WMI to disable a network connection. To re-enable the network connection, use objNetCard.RenewDHCPLease. WMI is just WBEM, but uses a different transport protocol than stock WBEM, which typically uses HTTP over TCP/5988 or HTTPS over TCP/5989. They also use slightly different namespaces. Apart from that they are mostly identical however, and if you use a WBEM-WMI gateway it is a no brainer. But SNMP has some significant differences from WMI, and there are a lot of WMI features that SNMP doesn't support. There is a newer alternative called WBEM (web-based enterprise management). (Coincidentally, WMI is actually the MS implementation of WBEM for Windows.) The OpenPegasus project is an open-source WBEM implementation.

  1. Wmi Equivalent For Mac Os
  2. Wmi Equivalent For Mac Shortcut


  1. DIR Type
  2. Windows Management Instrumentation Table Type “WMI”

The special table types supported by CONNECT are the Virtual table type (VIR - introduced in MariaDB 10.0.15), Directory Listing table type (DIR), the Windows Management Instrumentation Table Type (WMI), and the “Mac Address” type (MAC).

These tables are “virtual tables”, meaning they have no physical data but rather produce result data using specific algorithms. Note that this is close to what Views are, so they could be regarded as special views.

DIR Type

A table of type DIR returns a list of file name and description as a result set. To create a DIR table, use a Create Table statement such as:

When used in a query, the table returns the same file information listing than the system 'DIR *.cc' statement would return if executed in the same current directory (here supposedly ..)

For instance, the query:


handler1521772011-06-13 18:08:29
sql_handler253212011-06-13 18:08:31

Note: the important item in this table is the flag option value (set sequentially from 0 by default) because it determines which particular information item is returned in the column:

Flag valueInformation
0The disk drive (Windows)
1The file path
2The file name
3The file type
4The file attribute
5The file size
6The last write access date
7The last read access date
8The file creation date

The Subdir option

When specified in the create table statement, the subdir option indicates to list, in addition to the files contained in the specified directory, all the files verifying the filename pattern that are contained in sub-directories of the specified directory. For instance, using:

You will get the following result set showing how many tables are created in the MariaDB databases and what is the total length of the FRM files:


The Nodir option (Windows)

The Boolean Nodir option can be set to false (0 or no) to add directories that match the file name pattern from the listed files (it is true by default). This is an addition to CONNECT version 1.6. Previously, directory names matching pattern were listed on Windows. Directories were and are never listed on Linux.

Note: The way file names are retrieved makes positional access to them impossible. Therefore, DIR tables cannot be indexed or sorted when it is done using positions.

Be aware, in particular when using the subdir option, that queries on DIR tables are slow and can last almost forever if made on a directory that contains a great number of files in it and its sub-directories.

dir tables can be used to populate a list of files used to create a multiple=2 table. However, this is not as useful as it was when the multiple 3 did not exist.

Windows Management Instrumentation Table Type “WMI”

Note: This table type is available on Windows only.

WMI provides an operating system interface through which instrumented components provide information. Some Microsoft tools to retrieve information through WMI are the WMIC console command and the WMI CMI Studio application.

The CONNECT WMI table type enables administrators and operators not capable of scripting or programming on top of WMI to enjoy the benefit of WMI without even learning about it. It permits to present this information as tables that can be queried, transformed, copied in documents or other tables.

To create a WMI table displaying information coming from a WMI provider, you must provide the namespace and the class name that characterize the information you want to retrieve. The best way to find them is to use the WMI CIM Studio that have tools to browse namespaces and classes and that can display the names of the properties of that class.

Wmi Equivalent For Mac Os

The column names of the tables must be the names (case insensitive) of the properties you want to retrieve. For instance:

WMI tables returns one row for each instance of the related information. The above example is handy to get the class equivalent of the alias of the WMIC command and also to have a list of many classes commonly used.

Because most of the useful classes belong to the 'rootcimv2' namespace, thisis the default value for WMI tables when the namespace is not specified. Someclasses have many properties whose name and type may not be known when creatingthe table. To find them, you can use the WMI CMI Studio application but hiswill be rarely required because CONNECT is able to retrieve them.

Actually, the class specification also has default values for some namespaces.For the ‘rootcli’ namespace the class name defaults to ‘Msft_CliAlias’ and forthe ‘root_cimv2’ namespace the class default value is‘Win32_ComputerSystemProduct’. Because many class names begin with ‘Win32_’ itis not necessary to say it and specifying the class as ‘Product’ willeffectively use class ‘Win32_Product’.

For example if you define a table as:

It will return the information on the current machine, using the classComputerSystemProduct of the CIMV2 namespace. For instance:

Will return a result such as:

ColumnRow 1
CaptionComputer system product
DescriptionComputer system product
NameAspire 8920
VersionAspire 8920

Note: This is a transposed display that can be obtained with some GUI.

Getting column information

An issue, when creating a WMI table, is to make its column definition. Indeed,even when you know the namespace and the class for the wanted information, itis not easy to find what are the names and types of its properties. However,because CONNECT can retrieve this information from the WMI provider, you cansimply omit defining columns and CONNECT will do the job.

Alternatively, you can get this information using a catalog table (see below).

Performance Consideration

Some WMI providers can be very slow to answer. This is not an issue for thosethat return few object instances, such as the ones returning computer,motherboard, or Bios information. They generally return only one row(instance). However, some can return many rows, in particular the'CIM_DataFile' class. This is why care must be taken about them.

Wmi Equivalent For Mac Shortcut

Firstly, it is possible to limit the allocated result size by using the‘Estimate’ create table option. To avoid result truncation, CONNECT allocates aresult of 100 rows that is enough for almost all tables.The 'Estimate' optionpermits to reduce this size for all classes that return only a few rows, and insome rare case to increase it to avoid truncation.

However, it is not possible to limit the time taken by some WMI providers toanswer, in particular the CIM_DATAFILE class. Indeed the Microsoftdocumentation says about it:

'Avoid enumerating or querying for all instances of CIM_DataFile on a computer because the volume of data is likely to either affect performance or cause the computer to stop responding.'

Sure enough, even a simple query such as:

is prone to last almost forever (probably due to the LIKE clause). This is why,when not asking for some specific items, you should consider using the DIRtable type instead.

Wmi equivalent for mac shortcut

Syntax of WMI queries

Queries to WMI providers are done using the WQL language, not the SQL language.CONNECT does the job of making the WQL query. However, because of therestriction of the WQL syntax, the WHERE clause will be generated only whenrespecting the following restrictions:

  1. No function.
  2. No comparison between two columns.
  3. No expression (currently a CONNECT restriction)
  4. No BETWEEN and IN predicates.

Filtering with WHERE clauses not respecting these conditions will still be done by MariaDB only,except in the case of CIM_Datafile class for the reason given above.

However, there is one point that is not covered yet, the syntax used to specify dates in queries. WQL does not recognize dates as number items but translates them to its internal format dates specified as text. Many formats are recognized as described in the Microsoft documentation but only one is useful because common to WQL and MariaDB SQL. Here is an example of a query on a table named 'cim' created by:

The date must be specified with the format in which CIM DATETIME values are stored (WMI uses the date and time formats defined by the Distributed Management Task Force).

This syntax must be strictly respected. The text has the format:

It is: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, and signed minute deviation from UTC. This format is locale-independent so you can write a query that runs on any machine.

Note 1: The WMI table type is available only in Windows versions of CONNECT.

Note 2: WMI tables are read only.

Note 3: WMI tables are not indexable.

Note 4: WMI consider all strings as case insensitive.

MAC Address Table Type “MAC”

Note: This table type is available on Windows only.

This type is used to display various general information about the computer and, in particular, about its network cards. To create such a table, the syntax to use is:

Column names can be freely chosen because their signification, i.e. the values they will display, comes from the specified Flag option. The valid values for Flag are:

1Host namevarchar(132)
3DNS addressvarchar(24)
4Node typeint(1)
5Scope IDvarchar(256)
12MAC addresschar(24)
15IP addresschar(16)
16SUBNET maskchar(16)
18DHCP serverchar(16)
19Have WINSint(1)
20Primary WINSchar(16)
21Secondary WINSchar(16)
22Lease obtaineddatetime
23Lease expiresdatetime

Note: The information of columns having a Flag value less than 10 are unique for the computer, the other ones are specific to the network cards of the computer.

For instance, you can define the table macaddr as:

If you execute the query:

It will return, for example:

OLIVIER00-A0-D1-A4-61-360. 00:00:00
OLIVIER00-1D-E0-9B-90-0B192.168.0.10192.168.0.2542011-09-18 10:28:5


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